A ground-breaking new support system that gives women the ability to say “no” to asks at work in the short-term without bearing the added financial consequences
Pure Leaf’s No Is Beautiful platform has long embraced saying “no” in tea and in life. When Simone Biles earned headlines last year for saying “no,” a cultural truth was revealed: women who say “no” at work pay a price. Through econometric research, we quantified that price: up to $1,406 in future earning potential. We then partnered with Olympian Allyson Felix and SeekHer Foundation to offer $2,000 grants that covered the cost, so we could help everyday women say “no” without financial impact.
Pure Leaf’s goal was to make saying “no” safer and more accessible for women everywhere. When women are able to say “no” at work, they have the freedom to say “yes” to things that truly matter to them. However, women still face financial, reputational, and emotional consequences for saying “no.”
Top Press
“For Allyson Felix, Saying ‘No’ Is Equally As Valuable As Being A Winner”
“Pure Leaf and Allyson Felix collab to launch “No” Grants program”
“Allyson Felix Partners With Pure Leaf For Grants That Pay Women Who Say 'No' In Their Workplaces”
“Olympian Allyson Felix is empowering women to get ahead in their careers by saying “No”
“Olympian Allyson Felix wants to change the gender pay gap "completely" and achieve "true equality"
“Allyson Felix Knows the Power of Saying No—And Wants You to Be Able To Do It Without Financial Consequence”
Additional Imagery

Results & Impact
Editorial & social placements across general news, lifestyle, multicultural, food & beverage, and ad trade publications (including press release)
Positive sentiment across coverage
Through the “No” Grants,” Pure Leaf is providing $1MM to women over three years as a financial safety net to say “no” at work.
Not only have we created tangible impact for individuals, but we also struck a nerve in culture, generating:
in top-of-mind awareness of pure leaf in Q1 2022
of coverage contained “No” Grants messaging
in people who said Pure Leaf would be their first choice in iced teas in Q1 2022 as compared to Q1 2021
of coverage contained proprietary statistics
buy rate among households who purchase Pure Leaf in Q1 2022 as compared to Q1 2021
grant applications
and counting