HPE’s In Her Element campaign empowers women and allies to change the tech industry from the inside.
2021 was a landmark year for women—it was the first year since 1948 that the female unemployment rate reached double digits. This ‘shecession’ was even more pronounced for women in tech, who face higher cultural and professional barriers than their male counterparts. This was the backdrop of International Women’s Day 2021, a global event designed to celebrate women’s social and economic achievements. This year, IWD wasn’t going to be a celebration for women in tech—it was going to be a wake-up call.
While HPE prides itself on its unconditionally inclusive approach to supporting and advancing women in tech, they’re better known for their IT solutions than their DEI ones. They reached out to Edelman to launch an IWD campaign that would engage their audience in meaningful conversations about the work that needs to be done--both by HPE and the industry--to make tech more inclusive for everyone.
As we set out to tackle the issue of female representation in tech, conventional wisdom told us that the best way to get more women in tech would be to focus on the bottom of the pipeline.
But after digging into the data, we learned that young girls are not only just as interested in STEM as their male peers--they're also outperforming them. The deeper we dug, the more we realized; the lack of female representation in tech isn’t a recruitment problem—it’s a retention problem. 52% of women in tech leave the industry within 10 years of entering it –that's over half of potential female mentors, managers, and leaders lost because of hostile workplace cultures.
We knew that empowering women to stay in tech would take a lot more than a few encouraging social posts, so we decided to use In Her Element to give women in tech a global platform to share their stories. To kick off International Women’s Day, we launched the HPE #ChooseToChallenge pledge wall, an interactive virtual experience where women and allies could make actionable commitments towards fostering inclusive, equitable workplaces. We rallied the community to share their stories, their struggles, and their hopes for the next generation of women in STEM.
HPE also embraced tough conversations around its own employee culture — we hosted a special episode of The Element Podcast featuring HPE employees that explored why the tech industry doesn’t retain female talent, and what needs to change. A bespoke landing page was created for all In Her Element resources, which now serves as a hub for everything #WomenInTech.

Along with HPE's sponsorship partners (Disney, Golden State Warriors, Red Bull, Mercedes AMG Petronas F1), we created social content that explores how their female tech employees are pushing biases and boundaries to create healthy, empowering cultures for themselves and others.


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In Her Element Program
HPE is continuing the In Her Element Conversation through 2022. HPE and Hello Sunshine’s short-form documentary, In Her Element, features a rocket scientist (Aisha Bowe), a music engineer (Laura Escudé) and a team principal for a professional racing team (Susie Wolff). These women discuss the impact of their current work, how they advanced their careers and where they are going next.